10. Balanced Binary Search Trees

In chapter 6 binary search trees were defined along with a recursive insert algorithm. The discussion of binary search trees pointed out they have problems in some cases. Binary search trees can become unbalanced, actually quite often. When a tree is unbalanced the complexity of insert, delete, and lookup operations can get as bad as \Theta(n). This problem with unbalanced binary search trees was the motivation for the development of height-balanced AVL trees by G. M. Adelson-Velskii and E. M. Landis, two Soviet computer scientists, in 1962. AVL trees were named for these two inventors. Their paper on AVL trees :cite:`avltrees` described the first algorithm for maintaining balanced binary search trees. The chapter goes on to discuss Splay Trees as another example of balanced binary search trees.

10.1. AVL Tree Implementations

AVL trees maintain their own balance. The balance can be maintained in one of two ways. Either the height of each node in the tree can be maintained or the balance of each node in the tree can be maintained. If maintaining the height, there is a little more work to be done to adjust heights all the way up the tree. If balance is maintained then the code gets a little trickier, but there balances only need to be adjusted up to a pivot node.

In addition, AVL trees can be implemented with recursive or iterative insert and delete methods. Both are described in the text.

10.1.1. Iteratively Implemented AVL Tree

You can download avltree.py to work on an iterative implementation of AVL Trees.

  2  File:  avltree.py
  3  Author: Steve Hubbard,  and
  4  Date:
  5  Description:  This module provides the AVLNode and AVLTree classes.
  8from stack import Stack
 10class AVLNode:
 11   def __init__(self, item, balance = 0):
 12      self.item = item
 13      self.left = None
 14      self.right = None
 15      self.balance = balance
 17   def __str__(self):
 18      '''  This performs an inorder traversal of the tree rooted at self,
 19         using recursion.  Return the corresponding string.
 20      '''
 21      st = str(self.item) + ' ' + str(self.balance) + '\n'
 22      if self.left != None:
 23         st = str(self.left) +  st  # A recursive call: str(self.left)
 24      if self.right != None:
 25         st = st + str(self.right)  # Another recursive call
 26      return st
 28   def rotateLeft(self):
 29      '''  Perform a left rotation of the subtree rooted at the
 30       receiver.  Answer the root node of the new subtree.
 31      '''
 32      child = self.right
 33      if (child == None):
 34         print( 'Error!  No right child in rotateLeft.' )
 35         return None  # redundant
 36      else:
 37         self.right = child.left
 38         child.left = self
 39         return child
 41   def rotateRight(self):
 42      '''  Perform a right rotation of the subtree rooted at the
 43       receiver.  Answer the root node of the new subtree.
 44      '''
 45      child = self.left
 46      if (child == None):
 47         print( 'Error!  No left child in rotateRight.' )
 48         return None  # redundant
 49      else:
 50         self.left = child.right
 51         child.right = self
 52         return child
 54   def rotateRightThenLeft(self):
 55      '''Perform a double inside left rotation at the receiver.  We
 56       assume the receiver has a right child (the bad child), which has a left
 57       child. We rotate right at the bad child then rotate left at the pivot
 58       node, self. Answer the root node of the new subtree.  We call this
 59       case 3, subcase 2.
 60      '''
 61      pass
 63   def rotateLeftThenRight(self):
 64      '''Perform a double inside right rotation at the receiver.  We
 65       assume the receiver has a left child (the bad child) which has a right
 66       child. We rotate left at the bad child, then rotate right at
 67       the pivot, self.  Answer the root node of the new subtree. We call this
 68       case 3, subcase 2.
 69      '''
 70      pass
 72class AVLTree:
 73   def __init__(self):
 74      self.root = None
 75      self.count = 0
 77   def __str__(self):
 78      st = 'There are ' + str(self.count) + ' nodes in the AVL tree.\n'
 79      return  st + str(self.root)  # Using the string hook for AVL nodes
 81   def insert(self, newItem):
 82      '''  Add a new node with item newItem, if there is not a match in the
 83        tree.  Perform any rotations necessary to maintain the AVL tree,
 84        including any needed updates to the balances of the nodes.  Most of the
 85        actual work is done by other methods.
 86      '''
 87      pass
 89   def adjustBalances(self, theStack, pivot, newItem):
 90      '''  We adjust the balances of all the nodes in theStack, up to and
 91         including the pivot node, if any.  Later rotations may cause
 92         some of the balances to change.
 93      '''
 94      pass
 96   def case1(self, theStack, pivot, newItem):
 97      '''  There is no pivot node.  Adjust the balances of all the nodes
 98         in theStack.
 99      '''
100      self.adjustBalances(theStack, pivot, newItem)
102   def case2(self, theStack, pivot, newItem):
103      ''' The pivot node exists.  We have inserted a new node into the
104         subtree of the pivot of smaller height.  Hence, we need to adjust
105         the balances of all the nodes in the stack up to and including
106         that of the pivot node.  No rotations are needed.
107      '''
108      self.adjustBalances(theStack, pivot, newItem)
110   def case3(self, theStack, pivot, newItem):
111      '''  The pivot node exists.  We have inserted a new node into the
112         larger height subtree of the pivot node.  Hence rebalancing and
113         rotations are needed.
114      '''
115      self.adjustBalances(theStack, pivot, newItem)
116      # Lots more!!!!
118   def search(self, newItem):
119      '''  The AVL tree is not empty.  We search for newItem. This method will
120        return a tuple: (pivot, theStack, parent, found).
121        In this tuple, if there is a pivot node, we return a reference to it
122        (or None). We create a stack of nodes along the search path -- theStack.
123        We indicate whether or not we found an item which matches newItem.  We
124        also return a reference to the last node the search examined -- referred
125        to here as the parent.  (Note that if we find an object, the parent is
126        reference to that matching node.)  If there is no match, parent is a
127        reference to the node used to add a child in insert().
128      '''
129      pass
132def main():
133   print("Our names are ")
134   print()
135   a = AVLNode(20, -1)
136   b = AVLNode( 30, -1)
137   c = AVLNode(-100)
138   d = AVLNode(290)
139   '''
140   print(a)
141   print(b)
142   '''
143   t = AVLTree()
144   t.root = b
145   b.left = a
146   a.left = c
147   b.right = d
148   t.count = 4
149   print(t)
151   a = AVLNode(50)
152   b = AVLNode(30)
153   c = AVLNode(40)
154   a.left = b
155   b.right = c
156   print("Testing rotateLeftThenRight()")
157   print(a.rotateLeftThenRight())
159   (pivot, theStack, parent, found) = t.search(-70)
160   print(pivot.item, parent.item, found)
161   print()
162   print("The items in the nodes of the stack are: ")
163   while not theStack.isEmpty():
164      current = theStack.pop()
165      print(current.item)
166   print()
168   (pivot, theStack, parent, found) = t.search(25)
169   print(pivot.item, parent.item, found)
171   (pivot, theStack, parent, found) = t.search(-100)
172   print(pivot.item, parent.item, found)
174if __name__ == '__main__': main()
175'''  The output from main():
176[evaluate avltree.py]
177Our names are
178There are 4 nodes in the AVL tree.
179-100 0
18020 -1
18130 -1
182290 0
184Testing rotateLeftThenRight()
18530 0
18640 0
18750 0
18920 -100 False
191The items in the nodes of the stack are:
19620 20 False
19720 -100 True

10.1.2. Recursively Implemented AVL Tree

AVL trees may also be implemented recursively meaning that the insert and delete methods can be written recursively. The outline of this implementation can be seen in the text. It is relatively short and is not provided for download.

10.2. Splay Tree Implementations

Splay trees do not maintain the balance or height. Instead they rely on rotations that always rotate a inserted or accessed element to the root of the tree. In doing this they maintain a balance in the tree, often exploiting spatial locality. Again, splay trees may be implemented recursively or iteratively.

10.2.1. Iteratively Implemented Splay Tree

You can download splaytree.py to work on an iterative implementation of splay trees. To run this program you will need to download stack.py module and you’ll need to download person.py module.

  2 File: splaytree.py
  3 Author(s): Steve Hubbard and 
  4 Date: 9/17/13
  5 Description: This module implements the SplayTree class and the
  6   SplayNode class.  The classes use bottom up splaying rather than 
  7   top down splaying.  We do not allow duplicate objects in the tree.
 10from person import Person
 11from copy import deepcopy
 12from stack import Stack
 14class SplayNode:
 15   ''' This module implements the SplayNode class. This
 16     class in turn is used by the SplayTree class.  The classes
 17     use bottom up splaying rather than top down splaying.  We
 18     do not allow duplicate objects in the tree.
 19   '''
 21   def __init__(self, item, left = None, right = None):
 22      self.left = left
 23      self.item = item
 24      self.right = right
 26   def __str__(self): 
 27      st = '('
 28      if (self.left == None):
 29         st += '*'
 30      else:
 31         st += str(self.left) # recursion
 32      st += str(self.item)
 33      if (self.right == None):
 34         st += '*'
 35      else:
 36         st += str(self.right) # recursion
 37      st += ')'
 38      return st
 40   def inorder(self):
 41      ''' Perform an inorder traversal of the subtree rooted at
 42        the receiver.  Print each item in this subtree during
 43        the traversal.  This is done with recursion.
 44      '''
 45      pass
 47   def insertInNode(self, anItem):
 48      ''' Try to insert a copy of anItem into the bottom up splay
 49       tree rooted at the receiver.  If anItem is already in the tree,
 50       do not insert an extra copy. In any case, splay the new node,
 51       or the last node on the search path, to the root.  The method
 52       will answer a tuple.  The first element is True or False
 53       according to whether a new element was added or not.  The
 54       second element is the new root node.
 55       '''
 56       pass
 58   def rotateLeft(self):
 59      '''  Perform a left rotation of the subtree rooted at the
 60       receiver.  Answer the root node of the new subtree.  
 61      '''
 62      child = self.right
 63      if (child == None):
 64         print( 'Error!  No right child in rotateLeft. ' )
 65         return None  # redundant
 66      else:
 67         self.right = child.left
 68         child.left = self
 69         return child
 71   def splayToRoot(self, stack):
 72      '''  Perform a bottom up splay beginning at the node at the
 73       top of the stack.  Answer the root of the new tree.
 74      '''
 75      pass
 77   '''  Many more methods! '''
 80class SplayTree:
 82   def __init__(self):
 83      self.size = 0
 84      self.root = None
 86   def __str__(self):
 87      if self.root != None:
 88         return str(self.root)
 89      else:
 90         return ""
 92   def delete(self, anItem):
 93      '''  Atempt to find a match (==) for anItem in the receiver.
 94      If found, splay the corresponding node to the root and answer
 95      the item of the node. If not found, splay the last node on
 96      the search path to the root. In this case, answer None.  If
 97      found, we remove the node and make the largest element of the
 98      new left subtree (from the splaying of the node to the root
 99      position) the new root node of the tree.  Of course finding
100      the largest element uses a splaying on that left subtree.
101      If there is no left subtree, the right subtree becomes the
102      root.  This may leave us with an empty tree.  If found,
103      decrement the size of the tree and answer the item deleted.
104      If not found, answer None.
105      '''
106      pass
108   def findMax(self):
109      ''' Find the largest element in the splay tree.  Splay that
110      element to the root.  Answer a deep copy of the element.
111      If the tree is empty, answer None.
112      '''
113      pass 
115   def findMin(self):
116      ''' Find the smallest element in the splay tree.  Splay that
117      element to the root.  Answer a deep copy of the element.  If
118      the tree is empty, answer None.
119      '''
120      if (self.root == None):
121         return None
122      self.root = self.root.findMin()
123      return deepcopy(self.root.getItem())
125   def getSize(self):
126      return self.size
128   def inorder(self):
129      ''' Print the contents of the receiver, in inorder.
130        Print one item per line.
131      '''
132      if self.root != None:
133         self.root.inorder()
135   def insert(self, anItem):
136      ''' Insert a deep copy of anItem into the bottom up splay tree.
137      If anItem is already present in the tree, do not insert a new 
138      copy of anItem.  If anItem is added, increment the size of
139      the receiver.  In either case, we splay from
140      the last node.  If anItem was added, answer anItem.  If not,
141      answer None.
142      '''
143      pass
145   def retrieve(self, anItem):
146      pass
148   def update(self, anItem):
149      pass
152def main():
154   print('My name is ')
155   print('Test the SplayNode class: ')
157   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
158   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
159   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
160   x = c.rotateLeft()
161   print( x )
162   print( str(x) == '((((*10*)20(*25*))30(*35*))40(*45*))' )
163   print( '' )
165   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
166   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
167   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
168   x = c.rotateRight()
169   print( x )
170   print( str(x) == '((*10*)20((*25*)30((*35*)40(*45*))))' )
171   print( '' )
173   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
174   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
175   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
176   d = SplayNode(60, SplayNode(55), SplayNode(65))
177   e = SplayNode(90, SplayNode(80), SplayNode(100))
178   f = SplayNode(70, d, e)
179   root = SplayNode(50, c, f)
180   print( root )
181   print( '' )
183   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
184   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
185   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
186   d = SplayNode(60, SplayNode(55), SplayNode(65))
187   e = SplayNode(90, SplayNode(80), SplayNode(100))
188   f = SplayNode(70, d, e)
189   root = SplayNode(50, c, f)
190   x = root.rotateRightThenLeft()
191   print( x )
192   print( str(x) ==  \
193   '(((((*10*)20(*25*))30((*35*)40(*45*)))50(*55*))60((*65*)70((*80*)90(*100*))))' )
194   print( '' )
196   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
197   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
198   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
199   d = SplayNode(60, SplayNode(55), SplayNode(65))
200   e = SplayNode(90, SplayNode(80), SplayNode(100))
201   f = SplayNode(70, d, e)
202   root = SplayNode(50, c, f)
203   x = root.rotateLeftThenRight()
204   print( x )
205   print( str(x) ==  \
206   '((((*10*)20(*25*))30(*35*))40((*45*)50(((*55*)60(*65*))70((*80*)90(*100*)))))' )
207   print( '' )
209   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
210   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
211   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
212   d = SplayNode(60, SplayNode(55), SplayNode(65))
213   e = SplayNode(90, SplayNode(80), SplayNode(100))
214   f = SplayNode(70, d, e)
215   root = SplayNode(50, c, f)
216   x = root.doubleRotateLeft()
217   print( x )
218   print( str(x) ==  \
219   '((((((*10*)20(*25*))30((*35*)40(*45*)))50((*55*)60(*65*)))70(*80*))90(*100*))' )
220   print( '' )
222   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
223   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
224   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
225   d = SplayNode(60, SplayNode(55), SplayNode(65))
226   e = SplayNode(90, SplayNode(80), SplayNode(100))
227   f = SplayNode(70, d, e)
228   root = SplayNode(50, c, f)
229   x = root.doubleRotateRight()
230   print( x )
231   print( str(x) == \
232   '((*10*)20((*25*)30(((*35*)40(*45*))50(((*55*)60(*65*))70((*80*)90(*100*))))))' )
233   print( '' )
235   a = SplayNode(20, SplayNode(10), SplayNode(25))
236   b = SplayNode(40, SplayNode(35), SplayNode(45))
237   c = SplayNode(30, a, b)
238   d = SplayNode(60, SplayNode(55), SplayNode(65))
239   e = SplayNode(90, SplayNode(80), SplayNode(100))
240   f = SplayNode(70, d, e)
241   root = SplayNode(50, c, f)
242   x = root.find(35)
243   print( x )
244   print( str(x) == \
245   '((((*10*)20(*25*))30*)35((*40(*45*))50(((*55*)60(*65*))70((*80*)90(*100*)))))')
247   print('Test the SplayTree class: ')
248   t = SplayTree()
249   t.insert(1)
250   t.insert(2)
251   t.insert(3)
252   t.insert(4)
253   t.insert(5)
254   t.insert(6)
255   t.insert(7)
256   t.retrieve(1)
257   print( str(t) == '(*1(((*2(*3*))4(*5*))6(*7*)))')
258   print( 'The size of the tree is ' + str(t.getSize()) )
260   t = SplayTree()
261   t.insert(1)
262   t.insert(2)
263   t.insert(3)
264   t.insert(4)
265   t.insert(5)
266   t.insert(6)
267   t.insert(7)
268   t.findMin()
269   print( str(t) ==  '(*1(((*2(*3*))4(*5*))6(*7*)))')
271   t = SplayTree()
272   t.insert(1)
273   t.insert(2)
274   t.insert(3)
275   t.insert(4)
276   t.insert(5)
277   t.insert(6)
278   t.insert(7)
279   t.retrieve(1)
280   t.delete(3)
281   print( str(t) ==  '((*1*)2((*4(*5*))6(*7*)))' )
283   t = SplayTree()
284   t.insert(1)
285   t.insert(2)
286   t.insert(3)
287   t.insert(4)
288   t.insert(5)
289   t.insert(6)
290   t.insert(7)
291   t.retrieve(1)
292   t.delete(3)
293   t.findMax()
294   print( str(t) == '((((*1*)2(*4(*5*)))6*)7*)')
296   t = SplayTree()
297   t.insert(Person('Joe', 25))
298   t.insert(Person('Jill',35))
299   t.insert(Person('Jon',15))
300   t.insert(Person('Jack',25))
301   t.insert(Person('John',30))
302   t.insert(Person('Jud',95))
303   t.insert(Person('Joey',27))
304   st = str(t) + '\n'
305   t.update(Person('James', 25))
306   st += str(t) + '\n'
307   x = t.retrieve(Person('',15))
308   st += str(x) + '\n'
309   st += str(t) + '\n'
310   x = t.delete(Person('', 35))
311   st += str(x) + '\n'
312   st += str(t) + '\n'
313   x = t.findMax()
314   st += str(x) + '\n'
315   st += str(t) + '\n'
316   print( t )
318   print( 'The size of the tree is ' + str(t.getSize()) )
320   t = SplayTree()
321   t.insert(1)
322   t.insert(2)
323   t.insert(3)
324   t.insert(4)
325   t.insert(5)
326   t.insert(6)
327   t.insert(7)
328   t.insert(3.5)
329   print( str(t) == '((((*1*)2*)3*)3.5(((*4*)5(*6*))7*))' )
331   t = SplayTree()
332   t.insert(1)
333   t.insert(2)
334   t.insert(3)
335   t.insert(4)
336   t.insert(5)
337   t.insert(6)
338   t.insert(7)
339   t.insert(3.5)
340   t.delete(3.5)
341   print( str(t) == '(((*1*)2*)3(((*4*)5(*6*))7*))')
342   print( 'The size of the tree is ' + str(t.getSize()) )
345   t = SplayTree()
346   t.insert(3)
347   t.insert(2)
348   t.insert(1)
349   t.delete(1)
350   print( 'The size of the tree is ' + str(t.getSize()) )
352   t = SplayTree()
353   t.insert(Person('Joe', 25))
354   t.insert(Person('Jill',35))
355   t.insert(Person('Jon',15))
356   t.insert(Person('Jack',25))
357   t.insert(Person('John',30))
358   t.insert(Person('Jud',95))
359   t.insert(Person('Joey',27))
360   t.inorder()
362if __name__ == '__main__': main()
364''' Output, from splaytree.py, wrapped around!
365[evaluate splaytree.py]
366My name is 
367Test the SplayNode class: 
390Test the SplayTree class: 
392The size of the tree is 7
396((((*Name: Jon Id: 15 (*Name: James Id: 25 *))Name: Joey Id: 27 *)
397                                   Name: John Id: 30 *)Name: Jud Id: 95 *)
398The size of the tree is 5
401The size of the tree is 7
402The size of the tree is 2
403Name: Jon Id: 15 
404Name: Joe Id: 25 
405Name: Joey Id: 27 
406Name: John Id: 30 
407Name: Jill Id: 35 
408Name: Jud Id: 95 

10.2.2. Recursively Implemented Splay Tree

A recursive implementation of splay trees relies on keeping track of the left or right double rotations as the recursive insert or lookup returns up the tree. To accomplish this you must call a rotate function. Calling rotate[“RL”](pivot) would call the rotate right then left double rotation. The rotate variable is a dictionary (i.e. hash table) in the code provided here.

You can download splay.py file to begin working on the recursive splay tree implementation.

  2 File: splay.py
  3 Author: Kent D. Lee
  4 Date: 8/21/2014
  5 Description: This module implements the SplayTree class. This
  6   class uses the SplayNode class.  The classes
  7   use bottom up splaying rather than top down splaying.  We
  8   do not allow duplicate objects in the tree.
 10   Delete is not implemented in this file currently. Test code
 11   should be added to thoroughly test insert, lookup, and delete. 
 12   Recall that looking up a value rotates it to the root. Deleting 
 13   an item rotates its parent to the root. 
 16def rotateLeft(pivot):
 17   pass
 19def rotateRight(pivot):
 20   pass
 22def rotateRL(pivot):
 23   pass
 25def rotateLR(pivot):
 26   pass
 28def rotateRR(pivot):
 29   pass
 31def rotateLL(pivot):
 32   pass
 34rotate = {}
 35rotate["RL"] = rotateRL
 36rotate["LR"] = rotateLR
 37rotate["RR"] = rotateRR
 38rotate["LL"] = rotateLL
 40singleRotate = {}
 41singleRotate["R"] = rotateRight
 42singleRotate["L"] = rotateLeft
 44class SplayTree:
 46   class SplayNode:
 47      def __init__(self, item, left=None, right=None):
 48         self.item = item
 49         self.left = left
 50         self.right = right
 52      def __str__(self):
 53         st = '('
 54         if (self.left == None):
 55            st += '*'
 56         else:
 57            st += str(self.left)
 58         st += str(self.item)
 59         if (self.right == None):
 60            st += '*'
 61         else:
 62            st += str(self.right)
 63         st += ')'
 64         return st
 66   def __init__(self):
 67      self.root = None
 68      self.rString = ""
 71   # Pass searching = True if just searching and not 
 72   # really inserting. If the item is found, true is 
 73   # returned. If the item is not found, an exception
 74   # containing false is raised. 
 76   def insert(self,item,searching=False):
 78      def __insert(root,item):
 79         ''' return the new root after inserting
 80             item into the tree currently rooted at 
 81             root. If searching for the value and not 
 82             inserting, then raise Exception(False) if 
 83             the item is not found. 
 84         '''
 86         return root
 88      self.found = False
 90      self.root = __insert(self.root,item)
 92      # Handle any single rotation that must 
 93      # be done after inserting the value. 
 94      if self.rString in singleRotate:
 95         self.root = singleRotate[self.rString](self.root)
 97      self.rString = ""
 99      return self.found
101   def lookup(self,item):
103      try:
104         return self.insert(item,True)
105      except Exception as inst:
106         if inst.args[0] == False:
107            return False
109         raise Exception(inst)
111   def __str__(self):
112      if self.root != None:
113         return str(self.root)
114      else:
115         return ""
117def main():
118   # This should print the following.
119   #(*20*)
120   #((*20*)30*)
121   #(*5(*20(*30*)))
122   #((*5*)8(*20(*30*)))
123   #(((*5*)8((*20*)30*))42*)
124   #(((*5*)8*)15((*20(*30*))42*))
125   #(((*5*)8*)10(*15((*20(*30*))42*)))   
126   t = SplayTree2()
127   t.insert(20)
128   print(str(t))
129   t.insert(30)
130   print(str(t))
131   t.insert(5)
132   print(str(t))
133   t.insert(8)
134   print(str(t))
135   t.insert(42)
136   print(str(t))
137   t.insert(15)
138   print(str(t))
139   t.insert(10)   
140   print(str(t))
143if __name__ == '__main__': main()

10.3. Figures from Text


Fig. 1: AVL Tree Case 1 - No Pivot Node


Fig. 2: AVL Tree Case 2 - No Rotate


Fig. 3: AVL Tree Case 3A - Single Rotation


Fig. 4: AVL Tree Case 3B - Double Rotation


Fig. 5: AVL Tree Case 3B Step 1 Rotate Toward


Fig. 6: AVL Tree Case 3B Step 2 Rotate Away


Fig. 7: AVL Tree Case 3A Right Rotation


Fig. 8: AVL Tree Case 3A Left Rotation


Fig. 9: AVL Tree Case 3B Steps 1 and 2


Fig. 10: Splay Tree Double-Right Rotate


Fig. 11: Splay Tree Double-Left Rotate


Fig. 12: Splay Tree Right-Left Rotate


Fig. 13: Splay Tree Left-Right Rotate


Fig. 14: Splay Tree Example


Fig. 15: Average Insert/Lookup Time